Last year we were holding a powerful antifascist demonstration with more than one thousand participants in Berlin’s north-eastern borough Pankow. Also, an international conference with guests from Spain, Russia, Italy, Czech Republic and Serbia and a festival formed the basis of last year’s success.
Just as last year, the central points of this year’s action days will be the remembering of victims of Nazi-violence, the strengthening of antifascism in subcultural surroundings and the strengthening of the international antifascist movement.
11th– 21st of November 2009:
International remembering days for all victims of fascist violence will be held.
Active remembering is fighting!
Act creatively against neo-fascist structures in your city and right-wing tendencies in society. Remember and show solidarity with the victims. Fight the fascists!
We see ourselves as a part of the world-wide antifascist movement.
Be active against fascists in the cities of this world….
What’s the matter?
In this year’s celebrations we concentrate on a progressive remembering in the sense of an antifascist minimal consent in the Skinhead and Punk subculture.
On the 11th of November we celebrate the symbolic action day “Siempre Antifasicta”.
This remembering day transports a symbolic meaning with which we want to honour all victims of nazi-violence, especially the victims of fascist motivated murders in our local and international communities.
Two years ago on exactly the same day young antifascist Carlos Palomino was murdered in a metro station in Madrid by neo-fascist Josué Estébanez de la Hija.
This ugly deed of nazi-violence put similar and at-the-same-time-occurring fascist violence against political, constructed ethnical, so-called social and sexual enemies back into the public mind-frame.
Already two years before, on the 13th of November 2005, Timur Katscharawa was murdered by fascists in St. Petersburg.
Europe’s neo-fascists and far-right are nowadays more and more proclaiming a cultural homogenizing of societies (meaning racial and cultural segregation) under their self-entitled concept entitled “Ehtnopluralism”.
All over Europe far right parties, organizations and brotherhoods organize demonstrations and music festivals which developed into important ritual-like happenings of the whole far-right scene.
One fascist campaign calls for solidarity with the murderers of Carlos Palomino. One fascist internet platform tries to unite all nationalist brotherhoods under the banner of a „white Europe“.
We believe that it is our task to organize a broad antifascist movement that inhibits Europe’s neo-fascists to build up and promote their racist, culturalist, antisemite and growing antiziganist networkings.
We are acting on the ground of a social and historical responsibility to prevent fascists from spreading their reactionary and inhuman believes. We are fighting against right-wing ideologies – we are fighting on the streets and for the minds of the people!
Fight back!
Subcultures offer various attractive alternatives to an ordinary life in the capitalist environment. In the beginnings and in the continuations of many subcultures there were and are strictly antiracist attitudes as major defining elements of these subcultures. It is of significant importance to fight fascist attempts to intrude our cultures!
At concerts or parties in the Punk-culture, Skinhead-culture, in the Hardcore-scene and in the Wave-Gothic-scene there is a growing number of racist incidents.
Against this increasing number of fascist activities in our subcultures we are demanding a powerful antifascist consent which strengthens us in acting against the fascists and their inhuman ideology. But also, this antifascist consent should enable us to deny the fascists access to all youth cultures and subcultures.
We declare ourselves solidly with all antifascist and antiracist persons! The repulsion of all reactionary right-wing ideologies in the subcultures is our goal.
Kick fascism out of your subculture!
Siempre Antifascista 2009!